Haha... Had a ok 1 week school holiday working for Auntie Karen, and quite an eventful weekend! =)
Yesterday went to have a "sound training" conducted by some sound engineer outside, which the church probably paid like hundreds to get him here. And he ended up just doing a brief summary of the hardware layout which we weren't suppose to touch anyway, and also he gave a lesson on the functions of every button and knob of the sound system which we already know before. But because of a certain someone, we had to waste our time there listening to things we already know like years before? Haha... Well, I'm not pointing fingers yeah? =P
Well, that wasn't really a complete waste of time la, I did learn some new stuff anyway. After that went to Uncle Wai Tuck's house for dinner and had a great time of fellowship with my mentor and all his other mentees. Went home pretty late, but still had the energy to play some Lineage 2 before I slept at 2am? Haha.
This morning, Ramesh gave me a ride to church on his motorbike, was fun considering I've never sat on one before. Tho, I did a small little lie to him, I told him I've sat on one before. =x . Coz I didn't wanted him to like slow down to make me feel comfortable or anything. Haha. So he sped to church, coz we thought we were gonna be late for 9am, was quite exhilarating. Hehe.
I'm on a roll! I've not only been to every 9am meeting since I made the commitment, I'm early on every occasion! I pray that this will continue and I won't start to get lazy or something. Yeah! AMEN!! =)
Today before the worship, Julian was really really really really really super duper nervous. Haha. But I don't think Joshua or the rest really expected him to be that nervous. He was like praying alone there, but Joshua was chooing everyone to get ready to start, we didn't notice that the boy was being touched by God's loving hands and was sobbing there. So when we realised he was in tears we were kinda shocked! We all thought he was so stressed until he couldn't take it anymore. Haha.
But all in all he really did very well, over the expectations of some people I think. Very good for a first timer! Keep it up Jul! =)
Went to lunch with Zec and co. we talk the talk and walk the walk. Had fun and went home. Haha. I love weekends! So many things happening. Thank God for everything! =)
7:54 PM
Just wanna thank God for today! =)
Went to Julian's house to practice drums with him, he's getting better and better. He should be doing fine on Sunday, hehe. And I picked up some guitar skills from Julian, now I know how to play a few songs liao! So good right? I'm now quite interested in guitars, wonder if I should go buy one. Hmm, come to think of it, I change interests/hobbies like changing underwear! Change so fast, but that's not really a bad thing right? At least I will have a wider range of stuff to talk about with strangers. Haha. Btw, about the underwear comment, it does not apply to people, only hobbies ok? >.<
And I told Auntie Karen about the job thing, and she offered me a job! Wow... God answered my prayers! Haha, and that's not the end of the story yet. I asked her when can I start, and she said tomorrow and I said no problem. Then after like 5 minutes she changed her mind and said start on wednesday. I was quite puzzled, like why she suddenly change her mind? And it hit me only just now, that if it had been tomorrow I would not have made it, coz I have to go to school! So God like helped me avoid a problematic situation! =)
12:35 AM
I was bored and surfing the web for something interesting to read, and I came across the biggest crap I've seen in my entire life~!!
These clever scientists want to preach the gospel to aliens!! Wow!! Ahahaha... Now people, we know there are no such thing as aliens in this universe, and the Earth is just 6000++ years old, and that dinosuars once were all plant-eaters.
I know all that courtesy of Professor Joel Tay Zhi Ming. But his blog very chim one la. Haha.
Going to Julian's house to practice drums with him liao. Finally something to do... Haha... Ciao~
3:05 PM
Man, I'm so bored now. Gonna blog abt the past 3 days. Haha.
Friday was my birthday! Went out in the afternoon wif my friends, haha. Went to a nice place in china square vil'lage, something like marche lidat. Had chocolate fondue, *yum yum*. Haha.
After that went to friday cell, did the usual thing then they had a cake for all the people whose birthday in July and June. Haha. I didn't know syble (Ack... I dunno how to spell her name, so chim. >.<) and I have the same birthday! Haha.
Saturday, went to church for a young adults meeting. Nice worship time and interesting sharing/sermon by Pastor Kenny. Hehe, he said he got a blogging fever, then pass to Auntie Mary, now Uncle Abe has a blog too! Cool right? Haha. Then learn some drums stuff from Zec, now Nelson and I, we level up drummer skills liao. Haha.
Then, we decided to go chomp chomp to eat dinner, 4 of us took a cab while the rest took Zec's car. Then something funny happened. We told the uncle we wanted to go to chomp chomp, then you know where he took us to? CHIJMES! Haha, he was like "boy, faster say, where you wanna stop? In front or turn left?", we all were like "HUH?! This is nowhere near chomp chomp!". In the end, we got there and had dinner. Nice stuff, great food.
Later, we went to Ice cube, met Sharon and co. there. Played charades, haha. Doctors are really bo liao people huh? Wahaha.
Yesterday, was church day. Fun day, planned for crosslines. Had worship practice, Julian really improved alot, he must have practiced like mad the past week. So much so that, Evelyn decided to let him play everything. Then Sam Goh said, "awww... Joel's out of job." And started laughing. I was like *rolleyes* whatever man. Haha.
Was suppose to go for a job interview, but in the end I decided not to go. I really wanted the job, but it clashes with my friday cell and it greatly increases my chance of being late for Sunday 9am, which I have made a commitment to go. So... I lost the job. Well, I think I made the right choice yeah? I hope I get a job soon tho. I really need one. I'm broke. =(
12:34 PM
Hey hey!! I'm back! Haha. About the previous post, I've been thing about it and I've come to a conclusion.
What I've been raving about like a mad man is not because I don't have any good friends in church, I do have good friends lots of them. =)
But it's because I want to be good friends with everyone in church! Not just a selected few people to be called the J Mo gang or something. I've been in lots of different 'gangs' in my whole life in church. I've been associated with the 'Jackson gang', the 'Zec gang', the 'Jon Leong gang' which btw only have 3 people, haha and lots of other gangs.
But what I want is not like that, what I want is to be a gang with the whole youth! I remember the last time when I first entered the youth, it was so small then, about 20 people? But they were like so tight, so close. People like Nelson, Sam Wong, Melissa, Zec, Angela... we were tight too, going out every Sunday till late at night. How I miss those days. Fun days.
I don't want to make a friend and then brush them off. If I've done that to you then I'm sorry, I really am. I just wanted to make friends with everyone in church, which is rather impossible to do. So I just hop around making casual talk with everyone.
In the end we know that's not good eh? Even Jesus has a close group going, he didn't say like I want to appoint every single one of you as my disciple! No... He choose only 12 lucky people, and out of these 12, he had a closer inner circle of Peter, James and John.
What I believed was that being part of a group closes you off to other people, but in the Bible it shows that it's important to be in a close group. It's impossible to reach other to everyone out there, so why not form a group and as a group reach out? Won't that be easier? That's what the cell group is for huh... =)
Gah... This is becoming a habit. I'm typing whatever that comes to my mind, and the sentences doesn't make any sense. Haha.
Well, Happy birthday to me anyway. Haha.
Thanks to you guys for all the sms and msn msgs and presents yeah... =)
12:38 PM
This entry is gonna be an Ecclesiastes-like entry. If you don't know what in the world is Ecclesiastes, then please read your Bibles! So people who are on the brink of a nervous breakdown or have suicidal tendencies please avoid this entry!! I apologise for any inconvenience caused. I just need to let it out you know. =)
Today has been very boring for me, the start of my holidays with nothing to do. I was staring at my computer wallpaper the whole day, deep in thought. My mom must have thought I was going crazy, heh.
I was thinking about our youth and the past and all that. And it stuck me, how well do I really know these people? Some of them, I've grown up with, played with when I was little, and sometimes fought with. I go to church every Sunday, I greet everyone good morning, do small talk with them, have fun, but in the end do I really know them?
People who are my good friends in church, yes we are good friends, but dare I say only on Sundays? How often do we keep in contact during the weekdays? We brother sister on Sunday, but strangers any other day? How well do I really know you? Or you know me? Only God knows. Do we put on a mask on Sunday? And let loose when we are with other friends? ((I realised after I typed this, some people will think I'm talking abt Sam Goh. I'm not. I'm talking abt the other youths who were and some still are my good friends in church.))
My cell group, do I really know them? We meet for cell every Sunday, talk, share, play and pray. But that's all we ever do. I see every cell, they are all about the same. Do we really know what our cell members are going through? Do we know their likes and dislikes?
I seem to be among many friends, but I'm not. I seem to be in every group, but I'm not. Why? Am I the one wearing the mask? I feel like a damn hypocrite.
But of course, it will not continue. This sad behaviour stops now! From now onwards, I will find out more about my friends, my cell members, be their friend, a true friend.
I do not know how to end this entry, I'm typing this as it comes into my head and all I know is that I've not gone crazy. And I'm still the same ol' J Mo. =)
I just wrote this coz I see the lack of warmth in our youth nowadays. I don't know...
9:55 PM
Woopie!! Exams are over! =)
Had a good long sleep yesterday man, I think about 13 hours. Lol.
The test papers were unexpectedly easy, and it doesn't justify my act of not sleeping for the past 2 days to study. Man, I should've just studied on the day itself or something, I think also can score la! Haha.
Well, I'm quite confident I can get all As and one of the papers might possibly get full marks! How that for a tiancai?! Wahahaha.
The music thing is rather screwed up, I got a email from angelfire that my account got banned coz they do not allow remote use of bandwidth. Which means I cannot just upload my song on their server and use it for other purposes. Hehe. So I switched to another server which allows me to do so, but that server only allows a use of 10MB per day, not very useful. Haiz... =x
11:11 AM
I'M STILL ALIVE!!!!!!!!! The more I study, the more I think I can get A! AHahahahaha..................
I think I'm going crazy....................................
3:23 AM
I suddenly had a heart sinking feeling just now. I realised I should really start studying soon and not continue watching Minority Report or else I'll really fail my tests. Haha...
So I decided to post it in my blog here, I'm not gonna watch tv anymore today! I'm gonna pull an all-nighter and study all thru the night! No sleep for me!! I'm doing a goal-setting thing right now. Hey! Don't think it's useless ok? It works! I'm gonna aim for an A for every paper, nothing is impossible! Yay~!! =)
9:44 PM
Yo people! I just changed my song list coz some people *Ahem Ahem* say the song does not fit the overall feel of the blog. I was very sadden. Yes, I was close to tears. My favourite song of the month and it got shot down just like that. Why? WHY?!?! Haha... Just joking la.
So I changed it to a super combo DJ Joel remix of 3 songs. Namely, all for love, shout unto God and there's nothing like. Man, I'm such a genius. To be able to do such a thing! *tsk tsk* Even I am in awe of my own 'tiancai'ness. Haha.
Today in church was pretty cool, nice worship, great sermon by Joshua! Really cool dude, had everyone laughing their heads off with his funny antics and one-liners. Busy kissing spiders! HAHA!
After everything, we had worship practice. Man, Julian was a bundle of nerves! Never seen him so nervous before! Haha. Coz he's gonna play drums for the first time next week. He was sweating away, I had to pass him a whole tissuebox. He kept saying sorry to Evelyn, that reminded me of myself last time. Haha. I remember last time I keep apologising to the worhsip leader I was playing for, coz I think I really suck last time. Haha.
Well, I don't think Julian should have any problems, he's a great kid. I'm sure he'll make it! =)
After that we went to PS to eat lunch, then we went to Yamaha to get Julian's drum sticks. We ended up staying there for around an hour? Haha. I was playing around with the piano, Shawn was playing the drums, Julian and Sam Leo were messing with the guitar and Sam Goh was just standing there and being a 'Hua Ping'. (Haha, another wonderful joke by Joshua! =D)
I'm really interested in playing the piano tho, I figured how to play the one way chords with Julian's worship song paper, so tiancai right? Haha. And Sam Goh was like being a wet blanket, he keeps saying "Hey, don't embarrass yourselves, I think we should go." or he would say "Oh! It's 5 o' clock already! Time flies so fast, didn't notice it." when everyone knew he was looking at his watch like every 5 minutes? Haha.
I think he should just go learn an instrument or something, then he'll understand our love for music! Haha. He said he wanted to learn bass. Now Sam, I've written it on my blog already, so you cannot back out and quit half-way! Coz the whole world will know! Bawahahaha!!
So tired, and tomorrow got 3 tests papers. Gotta mug, but don't feel like it. Haven't looked at my textbook once yet, but not feeling stress. Am I even normal? Haha. Oh, I just remembered. I'm not normal. I'm a genius. =)
7:12 PM
FInally I'm done with my new layout, haha. So how you guys find it?
Hmm... There seems to be a problem with the music tho. It works in internet explorer, but it doesn't work in firefox broswer. I wonder why. Sammy! Help me! Haha...
I just realised that many of the blogs that I frequent actually looks very different and much nicer when I changed my browser to IE! Man... Bloggers ain't firefox-friendly! So next time if you wanna surf some blogs, be sure to use IE! =)
8:31 AM
They resigned!
I'm still laughing about the "600k is peanuts" by our very own Mrs Goh. What kind of peanuts she eats? Gold plated peanuts with huge diamonds inside? Didn't she realise that more than 90% of the population never get to see $600,000 in their life time? PEANUTS?? Get real Madam. YOU GOT OWNED!
I wonder what Mr Goh was feeling when the article was out in the Straits Times, heh, he must be very embarassed la. I bet she got scolded by Mr Goh quite badly! Haha
She annouced that she have withdrawn her sponsor role in NKF, maybe ordered by Mr Goh? Hehe.
A rather funny quote from a friend...
ONE PEANUT : $600,000
So what's the moral of the story? Never mess with SPH, you notice all the Straits Times articles very one-sided? They didn't cover how the kidney patients will be affected and for obvious reasons ST didnt mention a thing about Durai's defence. All they did was just bash Durai left, right, up, down, so we dun really know the FULL story.
Well, it was fun while it lasted anyway. I wonder how long it will take for this issue to die down. Hehe...
12:28 PM
Quote of the century!!
"$600,000 is peanuts" - Mrs Goh Chok Tong.
$600,000 IS PEANUTS !
Haha, I think that Durai dude really deserves to get fired. He's just asking for it, 600k per year? With 10-12 months bonus? I think that's more than my dad's 10 years pay la!
Anyway for those people who don't read the news, NKF scandal.
Imagine all those people who earn only $1000 per month, and they donate to those charity shows to help the kidney patients. When they see the amount on the screen jump from $100,000 to $200,000... all the way to $600,000. It only covers his salary?!
Man, no wonder so many people so angry with this guy. Tonight's charity show was cancelled, and it was turned into a Thank You show? No call counters, no amount shown on the screen. Maybe they don't want people to see how many people gonna call to donate?
I tuned in to watch, coz I wanted to see them paiseh. Imagine the whole show only $1000 donated, hahaha. Ya, I very evil one you dunno meh? But too bad they never show the counter.
Come to think of it, the people who suffer the most here are the kidney patients. But the NKF reserves can hold out for another 30-40 years anyway, 280+ million dollars leh, give me a whole lifetime I also cannot spend finish. Haha
Well, I hope they resolve this issue soon to let the kidney patients have a peace of mind. However this issue proves that Singapore isn't such a boring country after all huh? Haha
Anyway, I was reading a blog entry about this NKF thing from this guy called Rockson. It's really very funny, but it's super crude. I would rate his blog entry a R21 for extreme use of violent langauge. Haha
Ultimate funny blog!
P.S. : If you have noticed, I've stopped punctuating my sentences with '...' and rarely use the word 'haha'. Heh. I'm trying to improve on my english. Joshua, help me spot mistakes on my gammar and all that ok? Haha.
11:00 PM
Today has been rather interesting day... Interesting enough to blog about anyway... Haha..
This morning... While waiting for my lecturer to come, I saw what most people will call a jumper? Haha... A guy wanted to commit suicide by jumping from the 6TH FLOOR! I dunno about you guys... But I think commiting suicide is a really stupid thing to do... But what's even more stupid is trying to commit suicide with a method that has such a low probability of dying... I mean come on! 6th floor? I think the guy will end up paralysed or with a whole lot of broken bones than dying... Haha...
Anyway! This guy was sitting on the ledge waiting for the perfect moment to jump? I don't know what's going on in his mind... But he was just sitting there... People were gawking from below and pointing at the poor fella like it's some free show...
The police and firemen took quite some time to come... Took their own sweet time to setup the 'balloon mattress thing', to absorb the impact when he jumps... I think they must have took about 15 minutes to arrive and another 20 minutes to setup... I dunno if that's fast or not... But the guy could have jumped and climb all the way back to the 6th floor and jump again a few times, by the time they got everything done...
After that... Then they got a dude to go speak to him... Persuade him to not jump... Then my classmate (not exactly my friend) shouted out pretty loud... "Yao tiao jiu tiao la! Tuu she mo *******!" Which basically means... Wanna jump then jump, dun waste time... Everyone just stared at him, he's such an ass man... Dunno wad he's thinking... He's one of those talk big, dun dare to do guy... I bet if that guy really jumps, the jerk will pee in his pants on the spot...
So after a while, my lecturer cameand he motioned everyone to enter the class... And he was surprised that no one listened to him... Haha... He saw the dude on the 6th floor and his kaypo sensor turned on red alert! Haha... He immediately went directly below the dude to get a closer view... Not that he wanted to help or anything... Just to get a closer view... -_-
After like 10 minutes, he came back and said "Nothing to see!! Go back to class!!" Everyone was like *roll eyes*... Haha... What a lame lecturer man... Lol...
After the class was over we went back to see again... But the guy and everyone else was gone... So we guessed that the guy didn't jump in the end after all... Haha... What a cool day man... First time see a suicide attempt... No... I'm not sadistic or cold-blooded or anything... Haha... But seriously... Somewhere at the back of my head... In some tiny little corner... I was actually feeling quite dissapointed! I actually wanted him to jump... Man... What is Satan putting into my head?! I must ask for forgiveness... Haha...
8:57 PM
I must have been feeling particularly gutsy. "Pee-ew! You smell like the dump on the tenth day of a record-breaking heat wave."
I admit that it's not something I would say to Attila the Hun during a pre-battle sword-sharpening ceremony. But it was just my buddy Bart, and I was certain the Huns were busy causing trouble elsewhere.
"Pee-ew! You have bad breath," I repeated.
When the telephone rang that evening, the last voice I expected to greet me was that of Bad Breath Bart. "How's it going, Happy Guy? Personally, I'm feeling stupendous," he said. "Want to guess why?"
"You just won a free backstage pass to Beatles reunion concert?"
"Say...that sounds like fun. I would love to see John playing live again," he replied. "But that's not why I feel stupendous."
"OK, I give up. Why do you feel stupendous?"
"Because I just discovered an easy cure to stop bad breath," he declared. "Want to guess what it is?"
"You bought Bad Breath For Dummies and you are implementing every last piece of advice?"
"Say...that sounds like a good idea," Bad Breath Bart said. "But that's not how I'm stopping my bad breath. My plan is even simpler. I covered it up."
"Covered what up?"
"My breath, or course" he replied with unusual cheer.
"Bart, covering up your breath won't work. Since the dawn of time, people have been trying to cover up their breath. When Julius Caesar first invaded Paris and raided the famed Louvre Wine cellar, he declared 'Veni Vidi Vino'. But Mrs. Caesar was onto him – 'Ha! You've been into the vino again!' she screamed. You can't cover up your breath; mint just is not strong enough."
"Exactly!" Bart exclaimed. "Mint is too wussy, so I found something more potent. Want to guess what?"
"You've been rinsing again with that sardine-oil sauerkraut cocktail?"
"You've discovered that turpentine is best taken internally?"
"You downed a bottle of concentrated vanilla extract, mistaking it for beer?"
This guessing game was giving me headaches. "I give up, Bart. What's your secret to stopping bad breath?"
"Raw garlic," he declared.
"Raw garlic?"
Raw garlic. Nobody can sniff out my bad breath anymore, because all they smell is glorious garlic," he beamed.
"Glorious garlic?"
"Of course, there are some disturbing side effects," Bad Breath Bart noted. "For instance, my pet vampire Boris shriveled up last night when I tried to share my good news with him. How's that for appreciation! I decided to talk to my plants instead, but they all wilted. And this afternoon I blew a kiss to my wife, and she slammed the door on my face."
"Ah, how much garlic did you consume?"
"Oh, I don't know. Maybe 50 or 60 heads," Bart replied. "Why?"
I had to stop Bad Breath Bart
"May I offer a more pleasant alternative, Bart? Something that won't put your nose in a cast every time you get the irresistible urge to blow at your wife or inspire the entire farming community to picket outside your door?"
"Sure, Happy Guy. I always value your advice," Bad Breath Bart said. "Remember when you suggested I should use a firmer handshake?"
"Yes, you put Parson Saunders in the hospital for three days."
"And the time when you suggested I lift weights to get in shape?" Bart recalled.
"When I said 'weights' I was not referring to Mrs. Martin."
"And when you said I should call my mother last Mother's Day, did I not call her up that very minute?" Bart demanded.
"Oh, yes. I remember. By the way, did she ever send you that money?"
"So, what do you suggest this time?"
"Try using mouthwash with cetylpyridinium chloride in it. That always works for me."
"Say...that's a mouthful," Bad Breath Bart exclaimed.
"That's the idea."
"Let me write that down," Bart said. "Do you spell that with one 'h' or two?"
I was glad to have finally given Bad Breath Bart a 'mouthful' that would actually help him cure his problem...assuming he could ever get past the spelling barrier. I was excited to answer his call the very next evening.
"Hey, Happy Guy. Thanks for the tip," Bad Breath Bart said. "That centlip... cittap... centrap... That unpronounceable mouthwash ingredient you recommended is wonderful."
"I'm so glad you like it!" I was thrilled that he had finally taken my advice without causing a plague or causing any large structure to implode.
"Yeah. It really tastes great," he continued.
"Tastes great?"
"You bet. And so filling, too."
Suddenly I felt an ominous pang in my gut. "What do you mean by 'filling'?"
"After taking that cetilap... cettemp... certap... that unpronounceable concoction you recommended, I don't feel so hungry anymore," he explained.
"Bart, just what did you mix into that 'concoction'?"
"Oh, the usual – ten scoops of ice cream, a cup of milk, a bag of chocolate chips, half a banana, some corn flakes, a pinch of a wombat's earlobe hair and some leftover grenadine," he replied.
"But how would that stop your bad breath."
"Oops. I also added that ceptip... cetpen... certrip... that unpronounceable ingredient you recommended," he added. "It really tasted yummy."
It was at that moment that my wife entered the room. "Honey, I just made you one of your favorite banana-strawberry milkshakes," she said with a smile.
I looked suspiciously at the glass she placed in my hand. I cringed as I turned it from side to side. I looked all around it.
"Whatever are you searching for," she demanded.
I knew she would not believe me. "Chocolate chips, corn flakes, grenadine and a pinch of a wombat's earlobe hair."
"Don't be silly," she chided. "You know we don't stock corn flakes and more. They give you bad breath."
10:47 PM
Haha... Today Xue Xin and I played for both main service and youth... I was a little bit excited... But I dunno... I felt it was like business as usual... BUT Pastor Thomas said before... Cannot think like that... It's business not as usual when it comes to God! AMEN! The funny thing is I cocked up more in the youth than in the main... Haha... Dunno why... Maybe too tired liao? Or whatever la... Haha...
After service Evelyn, Elaine, Sam Leo, Shawn and me went to watch Fantastic Four at cine! I was quite hyped up abt the show... Coz it used to be my favourite cartoon when I was little... Haha... I remember I used to debate with my primary school friends... Who will win in a duel... Human Torch or Iceman... Haha...
When we reach there it was raining quite heavily! Man... We were like oh no.......... Then I suggested why not we pray... Haha... Then we prayed in the crowd... Then dunno why... After that we went to rent an umbrella... Haha... We had so little faith that God will do such a small thing for us... We got quite a big umbrella... But the sad thing was that it didn't matter anyway... When we reached cine, we were so drenched that we looked like we ran in the rain... Haha...
BUT! That's not the end... After we reached cine... Guess what happened? The rain completely stopped... It was like very heavy downpour... Then suddenly it stopped just like that... Then like 5 minutes later... It started raining heavily again!
I was thinking... So this is God's way of punishing us for not having faith huh... So interesting and funny! We were like kicking ourselves in the head... Haha...
Then we bought tickets and ate at LJS... At LJS, I wanted to use all my coins coz I got a whole bunch of them... And I realised I had just nice enough for a combo 1 meal which is $3.60... So I took out my whole bunch of coins and I guess the cashier was horrified! Haha... But what she did was totally mean... You know what she did? She purposely upsized my meal WITHOUT me knowing... so that I can't pay in coins... Then she proceeded to give me my change which was $2, ALL IN COINS! Oh man... What goes around, comes around yeah? Haha... Well... I was a little irritated I guess... But oh well... It was rather funny anyway... Haha...
Then on to the show... ANd it totally rocks man! I give it 8 out of 10 stars!! Totally awesome... My favourite character... Johnny Storm A.K.A The Human Torch was super cool!! I love the show like nuts! NUTS! Haha... Gonna buy the DVD and all that man! Haha...
Here is the poster of the movie... =)

And here's Fantastic Four comicbook style!!
9:15 PM
Man... I'm really tired... Haha...
Yesterday went to jonathan's house to stay over with Matthew... It was fun... Played some games... Talk some talks... And watched a crappy lame episode of Naruto... Man... That show is turning crappier by the second! I dunno why Sam Goh is still such a Narutard... (Naruto + Retard = Narutard!) What a lamer man... Haha...
Anyway... Today I went to a seminar with Winnie, Samantha Leo, Mission (Miss Shen a.k.a Sharon Sim... Hahahaha) and Nicolas... We were suppose to meet at Bukit Batok at 8am... Man... That was crazily early la... Only me, Winnie and Sammy were on time... Haha...
They started the seminar with some worship by some worship team from sonic edge... The people who are organising SonicFest 2005... Man... Those dudes were super loud man! They play like punk rock style... I like... Haha... And Nicolas is gonna do that marching stunt the guitarist did just now yeah? Haha...
The guy giving the seminar is really interesting and engages your attention... Haha... During the whole seminar I didn't slept or doze off at all... Haha... And he plays some really cool games... That maybe I can introduce to my cell... Haha...
And that dude has some really cool concepts about the youth and Jesus and all that... Maybe when it's my turn to share in cell... I can share on a few of them... Haha...
And........ I really need to change man... Haha... I have 2 major problems right now... And they are directly linked to each other... One is my punctuality, and the other is I alway take taxi coz I think I'll be late... So that makes me broke and still alway late... -_-
I'm thinking of ways to change this 2 bad habits... Haha... It's not that I can't wake up early or wad... It's just that I have terrible time managament... Haha... So from today onwards... I will strive to be alway early! On time is not enough!! EARLY!!!!!! Haha... And not resorting to taking cabs... I'm sure I can do it with God's help... I claim the verseS!
Matthew 19:26
Jesus looked at them and said, "With man this is impossible, but with God all things are possible."
Mark 10:27
Jesus looked at them and said, "With man this is impossible, but not with God; all things are possible with God."
Luke 1:37
For nothing is impossible with God."
Wad? I kiasu cannot is it? Claim all 3 la... Haha...
Tomolo I'm gonna play drums for the main service for the first time!! Woohoo... Haha... But I'm not stressed or whatever... I would rather use the word excited... Haha... Well I'm sure it'll be ok... Tho the songs are a little old school... Haha... Oldies...
After that I'll be playing for Charrisa... Now that'll be really cool... She picked my favourite song! Running after you! Haha... And some other really cool songs... She picked a oldie worship song which I have some problem catching the rythem... Need to practice on that... Haha...
Well... I've blogged enough... Maybe I'll post something cool after this... Haha...
7:01 PM