
I'm Joel Mo Jiaming. Born in 1986, 22nd July. Speaking about birthdays when I say 'it's alright' or 'anything's fine', don't take my word for it. What I really meant was 'get me ANYTHING nice and expensive, it's FINE if you get broke, I don't really care. Hah. Kidding duh.
Occupation? Defending Singapore from the scum of the universe. I rule the battlefield with my trusty telephone! NO COMMS NO WAR! RAHH
I believe in JESUS, the one true saviour. No witty comment needed here, cuz just mentioning his name is already oh so cool.
I don't really have anything to showcase now. But don't worry this part HERE is still under construction. I promise i'll work hard and earn myself the right to wear Mabel's cool shirt. (:

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Monday, October 26, 2009

Departure has been postponed to 3rd Nov.

7:08 PM

Sunday, October 25, 2009

Ok. Here's my schedule for my last week in Singapore.

Tues lunch - Godma (:
Tues dinner - Ethel, Cons, Mabel, Justin, Amanda, Matthew at Korean restaurant.
Thurs afternoon - Sam Goh
Friday night - Cell
Sat breakfast- Uncle Wai Tuck
Sat afternoon - Prac (?), Lunch with worship team, YA group, shawn at Kushinbo.
Sat night - Mel's birthday party.

So as you can see I'm a busy busy man. If you wanna have a meal with me, just see which slot I'm free or just chap in one of those sessions (except those solo ones) and just sms me.

11:28 PM

Saturday, October 24, 2009

I'll be embarking on an adventure on the 1st of Nov sailing the 7 seas (Mainly South China Sea) and exploring new lands (KOREA)!

Things to do before then :
- Finish watching Boys over flowers. Currently at episode 13.
- Kop as many dramas and movies from friends to store in my laptop.
- Figure out every single function of my digital camera and their uses.

If you FEEL LED to help me on my to do list (See point 2) before I leave, please do drop me a tag and I'll be over at your place with my trusty external HDD in hand.

Well. I'll be sailing on a gas tanker, and the route my ship will take is Singapore -> Indonesia -> Hong Kong -> Japan -> Korea -> Singapore. Multiply that by 2 and tadah! End of 6 months.

So I can kiss my hot Scandinavian girlfriend goodbye. But o wells! A cute Korean chick can be a pretty good second choice. Ahahaha! Keep dreaming eh?

Sense of adventure.. Escapism.. The lines seem blur, but it is true when I say it has always been my dream to sail around the world even as a kid. So I'll definitely enjoy this period of time and think about the next big thing I want to do in life.

Till we meet again. I'll definitely miss you!
Always be happy with Jesus! (:

12:32 AM

Sunday, October 18, 2009

Pragmatism prevailed yet again.
When will we ever learn?

Unless the Lord builds the house,
it's builders labor in vain.
Unless the Lord watches over the city,
the watchmen stand guard in vain.
In vain you rise early
and stay up late,
toiling for food to eat -
for He grants sleep to those he loves.

Psalms 127:1-2

12:45 AM