
I'm Joel Mo Jiaming. Born in 1986, 22nd July. Speaking about birthdays when I say 'it's alright' or 'anything's fine', don't take my word for it. What I really meant was 'get me ANYTHING nice and expensive, it's FINE if you get broke, I don't really care. Hah. Kidding duh.
Occupation? Defending Singapore from the scum of the universe. I rule the battlefield with my trusty telephone! NO COMMS NO WAR! RAHH
I believe in JESUS, the one true saviour. No witty comment needed here, cuz just mentioning his name is already oh so cool.
I don't really have anything to showcase now. But don't worry this part HERE is still under construction. I promise i'll work hard and earn myself the right to wear Mabel's cool shirt. (:

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Thursday, September 24, 2009

Saw a flash mob video on Constance's blog and I thought it was so cool!

So I thought of posting some really cool ones up too, instead of talking about deary solemn stuff. Haha

Here are the 3 most coolest I've found so far!

[OFFICIAL] Michael Jackson Dance Tribute - STOCKHOLM

The T-Mobile Dance

World biggest Freeze Flash Mob in Paris OFFICIAL VIDEO Long Edit

And also my favourite song right now!
Sex on Fire - Jamie Archer

It was my favourite song 2 years ago, but after this guy sang it in X Factor it has crept back into my heart again! Apparently, the whole of UK agrees with me too, it has topped the UK charts after this awesome rendition of this song. Enjoy!

10:02 PM

Sunday, September 20, 2009

'What church do you go to?'

I would think this would be a silly question to ask, but oh do I ask it all too often when meeting with new christian friends. I'll explain why.

Aren't we the body of Christ? I don't think the Bible describes the church as a place, more like a body of people. The church is not a building or a place; it's all of us christians. We are the church.

So don't you think it's silly to ask that question? It'll be like asking, 'So which Singaporean do you go to?' Sounds weird? It probably is.

But with all things said and done, I think we are too steep in the world's system to get out of it. It's like in the Matrix when the bad guy got freed from the matrix, but he opted to return to be imprisoned.

Humans got to have order, systems and organisations. To have a sense of control, to have a false sense of security that we are able to somehow have a say in whatever will happen.

The most powerful thing about the gospel is that it liberates us from the concept that God dwells in any building. For a people steeped in the rites of temple worship this was either great or terrible news. His followers thought it was great. No longer did they have to think of God as cloaked in the recesses of the temple, available only to special people at select times.

Before Stephen was to be stoned to death he said, 'The Most High does not dwell in houses made by human hands.' That's when the Sanhedrins turned on him. It reminded them of Jesus' challenge to destroy the temple and rebuild it in three days. People can get very touchy about their buildings, especially if they think God dwells in them.

Are we like this today? Replace going to the temple with going to church, temple rites with church programmes. How we can do things a certain way, and one will be frowned upon if he does things differently. How we have 'rules and regulations', emphasize church membership, have a board of directors. Seem strangely familiar to how 'church' was done before Jesus came.

What does the church really means to you?

I'll leave this thought with you as I go off to sleep. I'm really tired.
Bye bye.

10:11 PM

Wednesday, September 09, 2009

I was reading Ecclesiastes and I thought of something funny.

You know how people say, 'I'm running the rat race' and they never seem to get anywhere near the finishing line.

I was wondering what was to be gained from doing such a pointless thing and it dawned upon me, the one thing that people want from this 'rat race'.


They want to be satisfied with what they have, so they run the race to gain more - till they are satisfied.

It's so ironic. Once they set foot and take the first step, they'll never get the prize. Only by getting out of that race, then they'll be winners in their own right.

I know that there is nothing better for men than to be happy and do good while they live. That everyone may eat and drink, and find satisfaction in all his toil - this is the gift of God. Ecclesiastes 3:12-13

Funny isn't it? How almost everyone in the world is running a race they can never win, and yet they still run it anyway. Contentment much like grace, is a gift from God. It's not something to be earned with your own efforts.

So receive that free gift today!
God loves you.

11:35 PM