
I'm Joel Mo Jiaming. Born in 1986, 22nd July. Speaking about birthdays when I say 'it's alright' or 'anything's fine', don't take my word for it. What I really meant was 'get me ANYTHING nice and expensive, it's FINE if you get broke, I don't really care. Hah. Kidding duh.
Occupation? Defending Singapore from the scum of the universe. I rule the battlefield with my trusty telephone! NO COMMS NO WAR! RAHH
I believe in JESUS, the one true saviour. No witty comment needed here, cuz just mentioning his name is already oh so cool.
I don't really have anything to showcase now. But don't worry this part HERE is still under construction. I promise i'll work hard and earn myself the right to wear Mabel's cool shirt. (:

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Friday, July 13, 2007

I'm finally back to blog! Past 2 weeks haven't even got the chance to turn on my computer.. Simply too busy!

Army's ok.. Nothing much to talk about.. Just doing stuff all day and sleep at night.. It's the same everyday so u'll just lose track of time till bookout day! Haha..

Today's absolutely the worst, I'm too tired to write it here now so I guess u'll have to ask me when u see me.. Today's like the most stressful day of my life.. Never been that stress before!

No point leaving what I wrote here, when you removed yours.
I still love u jul.

9:17 PM