Congratulations, Joel!
Your IQ score is 129
This number is based on a scientific formula that compares how many questions you answered correctly on the Classic IQ Test relative to others.
Your Intellectual Type is Visual Mathematician. This means you are gifted at spotting patterns — both in pictures and in numbers. These talents combined with your overall high intelligence make you good at understanding the big picture, which is why people trust your instincts and turn to you for direction — especially in the workplace.
I've an IQ of 129! Weeee... Haha... Is that very high? I dunno... Lol... =)
12:45 PM
Man... My exam schedule clashes with the Myanmar mission trip! The mission trip is from 23-29 sept. And I have a paper on the 23rd and 29th with no papers inbetween!!
Auntie Mary said she will see what she can do, but I pray for something better. Something extraodinary! Something so unthinkable that it will set people thinking, that I can use this great miracle as a platform to share with my classmates!
Lets pray that God will open up a way so out of the box that people will have to acknowledge God's almighty power! AMEN! =)
9:13 PM
Read the Heavenly Man today, just felt that I should share with you guys some of the stuff in the book. I copied whole sale, forgive me God for plagiarizing!
There are many ways the Lord may lead a Christian during his or her life, but I'm convinced that the path of every believer will sooner or later include suffering. The Lord gives us these trials to keep us humble and dependent on him for our sustenance.
The Bible says in 1 Peter 4:1, "Therefore, since Christ suffered in his body, arm yourselves also with the same attitude, because he who has suffered in his body is done with sin." I believe when suffering and pain increases, sinning decreases. I've certainly not yet reached the point of being "done with sin". I still complain to the Lord when I suffer.
How we mature as a Christian largely depends on the attitude we have when we're faced with suffering. Some try to avoid it or imagine it doesn't exist, but that will only make the situation worse. Others try to endure it grimly, hoping for relief. This is better, but falls short of the full victory God wants to give each of his children.
The Lord wants us to embrace suffering as a friend. We need a deep realization that when we're persecuted for Jesus' sake it is an act of God's blessing to us. This might sound impossible, but it is attainable with God's help. That is why Jesus said, "Blessed are you when people insult you, persecute you and falsely say all kinds of evil against you because of me. Rejoice and be glad, because great is your reward in heaven." Matthew 5:11-12.
We can grow to such a place in Christ where we laugh and rejoice when people slander us, because we know we are not of this world, but our security is in heaven. The more we are persecuted for his sake, the more reward we will receive in heaven.
When people malign you, rejoice and be glad. When they curse you, bless them in return. When you walk through a painful experience, embrace it and you will be free!
When you learn these lessons, there is nothing left that the world can do to you.
Christians who are in prison for the sake of the Lord are not the ones who are suffering. When people hear my testimony they often say, "You must have had a terrible time when you were in prison." I respond," What are you talking about? I was with Jesus and had overwhelming joy and peace in his intimate presence."
The people who really suffer are those who never experience God's presence. The way to have God's presence is by walking through hardship and suffering - the way of the cross. You may not be beaten or imprisoned for your faith, but I am convinced each Christian will still have a cross to bear in his or her life. In the West it may be ridicule, slander, or rejection. When you're faced with such trials, the key is not to run from them or fight them, but to embrace them as friends. When you do this you'll not fail to experience God's presence and help.
When a child of God suffers you need to understand that the Lord has allowed it. He has not forgotten you! The devil cannot snatch you away! Jesus made this beautiful promise to his children, "My sheep listen to my voice; I know them, and they follow me. I give them eternal life, and they shall never perish; no one can snatch them out of my hand. My Father, who has given them to me, is greater than all; no one can snatch them out of my Father's hand." John 10:27-29.
6:42 PM
Today has been quite fun for me, a few memorable moments here and there... So today is a good day! =)
Received an invitation to play drums for an event, cool huh? But the cooler part is that it's at St Andrew Cathedral! Oh my goodness!! Playing drums at that huge place! I'm gonna get the jitters man! Haha...
Then I attended hockey training for the first time. Recommendation came from Ernest, matt and me responded. Well, it's fun and all, but the training isn't very tough. It's quite lax... We only ran 4 rounds on the track la, that's it! I was expecting and hoping for something tough, so that's a negative there. But I plan to stay on coz of the nice people there and I actually enjoy the game even tho I'm so noob at it! Haha...
In the practice game, I keep fouling la! My instincts just told me to use my feet to stop the ball. Then someone will shout "LEGS!!" (Well, it's a foul to use your legs to stop the ball, like handball in soccer.)
The first time I got fouled, I didn't even knew it was a foul. So I just happily continued pushing the ball forward, it was after a few people kept shouting "LEGS! LEGS!" Then I realised I commited a foul... So paiseh right? Haha...
Well, it's a fun sport and I intend to stick to this CCA. So I better become better soon huh? Haha... Gimme one month! And I'll become the Steven Gerrard of Hockey!! Just wait and see!! Wahahaha....
Tomolo I'm gonna do a presentation for my final year project, gonna wear the shirt that Ashley and Jude picked for me... Hehe... =)
11:07 PM
Just came back, so tired. After school went to watch Wedding Crashers with Jude and Ashley.(Ya... So paiseh... Like dian deng pao lidat... Haha... =P)Then they helped me choose a shirt to buy for my presentation, I dunno wad I would do without them man. Haha.. Then had dinner with Uncle Abe and Co. at some steamboat place, thanks Uncle Abe A.K.A my best friend for the dinner man! =)
Tomolo I'm gonna have a lesson with the lecturer that wanted to debar me from the exams. It's the first time I'm seeing him after recieving the letter, so I'm quite nervous.
I've been like struggling with myself, wondering if I should fabricate a sad story to make him sympatise with me. Something like, I'm taking 2 part-time jobs after school coz my dad's not working and my mum can't support my family of 8 kind of sad story.
I know it's not good to lie, but if I do this I would have a higher chance of not being debarred from the exams. So I've been struggling ever since I recieved the letter, then on Sunday Jean shared in the cell about temptation and Cynthia shared with me alot of stuff and touched on temptation too.
So I prayed and prayed, and I came to a decision that I won't lie. I'll just tell the truth and take whatever consequences like a man! Haha. I'm still worried about the parent meeting this friday and I was reading the Heavenly Man book. I'm telling you, this book really came at a very correct time man. It really spoke to me alot in this tough time I'm going through. I came upon this verse and I am greatly comforted by it.
"Be still, and know that I am God." Psalm 46:10
Absolutely beautiful verse...
11:26 PM
I'm in deep trouble! I just got a letter from my lecturer that I will be debarred from the exams coz of attendance problems. Please pray for me!
I know this is what I deserve, cause and consequence. BUT I really hope to get a chance here, tho I know it will be very very slim. I will most probably repeat that semester, 6 months down the drain just like that. I don't want that to happen!! Let your will be done Lord. Be it that I be debarred or not. I pray that your mercy and grace can once again forgive me of my sins of pontanging school. Please give me the fruit of self-control, that I will be more responsible in the area of attendance.
This will go in my book for all time lows for this year. Lets pray that this situation will turn out for the better. =)
12:52 AM
Ok, today is really cool! So let me start from the beginning ok! =)
I was on the MRT on friday when suddenly I had a thought, "Hmm... What was that book that Sam Wong was reading? The holy man? Hmm... No... I think it's the heavenly man... Yeah it is..." That thought just popped into my mind just like that, then I had a really strong urge to get off the train. It was still at Novena, the only place I know in Novena is Tan Tock Seng Hospital! I was thinking, "Ah... What for I alight here? Siao is it?!" But that feeling just grew stronger and stronger until I couldn't bare it anymore, and I alighted at Novena at the moment before the doors closed.
So, what now? I was pretty lost at the control station, so I just followed the masses out of the station and lo and behold! There was a shopping centre just above the escalator! Then I remembered I went there once before, but I couldn't remember anything else. So I just checked out the place, can see that it's quite new a few shops here and there, nothing interesting. Then when I reached the top floor, a small shop caught my eye. TRUMPET PRAISE.
Then I thought maybe God wanted me to buy the heavenly man book? So I just went in and bought it despite knowing that I will be left with absolutely no money for the weekends! So I was hoping maybe God will reveal something thru this incident coz I don't really like wasting money. Sam Wong already said he'll lend me the book after he finished reading it anyway.
So I was reading it during the weekends, but nothing happened! I even got 'suaned' by the devil! Coz on Sunday, Sam Wong handed me his book, saying that he already finished reading it. I was like "Man... I shouldn't have bought it la! Waste money only!"
Side story
Remember I didn't have any money for the weekends? Well, my mom handed me $10 on sat without any reason, but I guessed that she took a peek in my wallet and found out how broke I was. Haha. I managed to have $4 leftover for Sunday and I thought, yes! I got thru the weekends! But during service when the offering bag came, I felt compelled to give all my money away! I struggled, but in the end I managed to put that money in. And with a smile, I comforted myself that God will make a way.... right? I had doubts, yes, I did. God forgive me!
So I was faced with a situation that I might not have lunch on Sunday, was feeling quite sian. The devil 'suaned' me some more! After worship practice we were going to take a bus to Baptism when we stopped at the the bao shop. Nic asked me if I wanted to buy a bao to munch on or not? I just looked at him and smiled. I was quite hunger already and was tempted to borrow some money from any of them to satisfy my stomach. But again I don't know why but I felt that I shouldn't.
So we reached the beach, and I was feeling hungry! Man, I was looking for some leftover chicken rice but I couldn't find any. THEN Sam leo came to me with a bag of nuggets from macdonalds! HAHA! So cool right? She said she owed me lunch (I made her promise that she owe me lunch during FOP, but it was just in jest! I didn't really mean it... Haha) I was quite puzzled, and I looked into my handphone. She actually smsed me earlier asking me what I wanted for lunch? But I didn't hear it ringing coz I was wearing earplugs during worhsip practice! (Drums are really very loud!)
So thank God for this small yet powerful practice on faith! And if anyone knows me, they will know I'm actually a very money-oriented person. I will look for a job at any given chance, coz I alway seem to be either in debt or I just need the money. Sam Goh will know, I dunno owe him how much liao! Sorry brother! You need to remember how much I owe u, then I can repay u back! God really taught me a lesson on trusting him for my needs. I haven't been tithing for an awfully long time, another commitment to make! I will start tithing from this week onwards! =)
Back to the main story! I was quite sian abt the book plus was quite tired from baptism, so I didn't read it on Sunday. Today, I decided to bring it to school to read during class (Classes are really boring! Haha). So I changed my old crumbled bookmark for a new FOP bookmark and chucked it in my bag.
I was reading it in class, when my friend asked me "You reading a christian book huh?". I just nodded to him without lifting my eyes off the book and overheard him saying to my other friend "The cover looks so weird one." I just ignored him, coz that guy is known to be an ass with his really piercing remarks.
He was really bored, so he took my FOP bookmark and just looked at it. Then he nudged me and asked me "hey, what does this mean?" I ignored him and continue reading. He nudged me again, I put down my book and reluctantly attended to him. I was thinking "Oh man, he's gonna make fun of this again!" (Yes, it has happened before. Really very pissed with him when he does that.)
He was pointing at a quote from the Bible, "When the day of Pentecost came, all the believers were gathered together in one place. Suddenly there was a noise from the sky which sounded like a strong wind blowing, and it filled the whole house where they were sitting." ACTS 2:1-2 TEV
So, I was thinking of a way to explain it to him, and trying to recall as much as I could about the day of Pentecost, when he interrupted my thoughts. "Think so long... You don't know right? Still call yourself a christian? Hahaha..." I was really quite angry! Both at him and myself, why couldn't I have read the Bible more! So that I can be better equiped at answering this type of questions! So I just told him "You never give me chance to say, how you want me to say?!" He was quite amused, "Ok lor, tell me la..."
So I just rambled on, not knowing what I said was correct or not, I just said what came into my mind. I haven't checked the Bible yet, so you guys can correct me if I'm wrong ok? I'll try to be as accurate as possible. (What I said to him, not accurate as in biblical accuracy)
I told him hundreds of years ago, a prophet said that one day the Holy Spirit will come and fill all of you. So the people were happy and they started praying but generations passed but this has not come true yet. Then Jesus came... You know Jesus right? He said,"Ya I know him, but he don't know me... Haha..." I wanted to tell him he knows you alright! But I didn't and continued on with the story... So Jesus came and performed many miracles and preached to many people, then he died on the cross. Before he died he told his disciples to go and preach his word everywhere. So they did that la. Then came the day of the Pentecost, when the prophet's prophecy was finally fulfilled and everyone present was filled with the Holy spirit.
After hearing all this all he said was "What bullshit!" I was really very pissed liao! I wanted to just shout at him or whatever, but I just gave a weak smile and continued reading my book.
A minute or so passed, and he asked me, "All this is like myth one right? How you know it's true?" I told him, "There are some parts of the bible that is quite new, only 2 thousands years ago only. The historical sites are all still around now, and there are many evidence to prove the Bible is true."
He just nodded and didn't say anything, and continued to ask me some other stuff. I was quite shocked, coz he always have something to say about christians one. I don't know why, I think he hates christians or something. But not only did he not say anything bad, he continued to ask other questions!
It's really very exciting. Maybe to others it might be just a small thing, but to me it's God showing to me how real he is in my life! It's so amazing! Thank God I bought the book which has opened a opportunity for me to share christ to this friend of mine! I expect more to happen in the days to come! Just believe! Just believe!! =)
7:37 PM
Just updated my links at SENIOR PASTOR SENG'S request... Haha... =P
And I realised just how many people in our church has a blog, totally amazing. Haha. =)
I need to find a way to organise the links abit, it looks very messy at the moment...
7:06 PM
MAN! I can't get the movie out of my head! I'm thinking of it all the time! On the bus, during class, when I eat, everywhere! Haha... So when I reached home the first thing I did was to watch it again! So nice........ Ahhhh.............
Now then I realised why the main female actress looks so familiar! Coz she also acted in my other favourite TV Drama, Mukodono! Haha... What a plesant surprise, Hehe...
EDIT :: I just did some minor changes to my layout, it's a Be With You layout now! Haha... Anyway I also enabled the comments thing, anyone (either from xanga or blogspot) can go comment. I enabled it for fun... Haha
10:08 PM

I bought a VCD titled "Be With You" and I just finished watching it. I felt really compelded to write about this coz it's really a very nice show! (Even nicer than Swing Girls I dare say!) Even tho I'm like really very very tired now, my brain's numb and all, I'll just write something short abt it... =)
If you are like me, a sucker for sappy movies, you would definately like this one. Very nice terk-jerker. Unlike all the melodramatic korean love stories, this one (which is a japanese production btw) is quite melancholic (forgot how to spell, dun feel like checking dic, that's how tired I am, haha.) I'll just copy and paste a movie review, I'll edit out the spoiler parts yea. =)

When two souls find one anoter , nothing can tear them apart. Widower Takumi (Shidou Nakamura) lives a quiet life with his six-year-old son Yuji (Akashi Takei) after the loss of wife and mother Mio (Yuko Takeuchi). Yuji unfailingly remembers her promise to him: "I'll be with you again in a year's time, when the rains come." On the first anniversary of her passing, Takumi and Yuji are taking a walk in the woods when they come across a woman sheltering from a monsoon downpour. She bears an uncanny resemblance to Mio, but has no recollection of who she is or what she is doing there. Family life resumes from where they left off, while Takumi and Mio's memories of their first encounter in high school come flooding back...

Back to me!
Unlike other love stories, this one actually has an engaging plot and it really flows very well. It will leave you awestruck at the end of the show and it's truely very beautiful. Words can't explain how nice this film is... Or maybe it's just that I'm tired, the words ain't flowing well in this post, sorry. Haha.. .
It's also very rewatchable, I plan to watch it again tomorrow. =)
Also very good to spend the day, watching it with that special someone eh? Hehe... I'm gonna keep this VCD in top condition just for that occasion... Wahahaha =)
All in all, this show is really very nice! You have to watch it! I wanna lend this show to everyone! (just don't scratch it or something huh! Or else next time cannot watch it with my girlfriend liao! haha =P) It's really that good! Hmm... Come to think of it, christianity is something like that huh? You wanna tell everyone about Jesus not becuase of of some hidden agenda or something... But it just simply because it's that good!! That awesome!! =)
I need to sleep... My brain not functioning, I bet you can't even understand half the things I wrote here... Hahaha........
11:06 PM
This new layout is just a temporary change! Tho it looks kinda good... Haha. =)
I'll do a new one after I fix my com; it turned crazy and I have to format it. =(
Anyway, I cut my hair very short! Actually I wanted to be botak, but the hairdresser auntie was just crazy. I told her I wanted my hair to be botak, then she gave me this horrified look and asked me to reconsider my proposal. I told her, "I want a botak cut". Then she gave me a haircut album introducing to me all the different short hair styles. "Hey lady, just cut my hair botak can?" I interrupted her. I guess she got the idea, and proceeded to cut my hair. In the end, it wasn't even botak! Haha. I guess it's God's will? I don't know. It seems such a small matter anyway so I just let it go. Ha. =)
So, you people will think. What in the world is Joel thinking? He wanna be a monk is it? Cut his hair botak crazy ah?! Haha... I assure you I'm not crazy. =)
You guys know what's blood pact right? People putting a bit of their blood into a bowl and make a pact and all that. My friends and I have a botak pact! HAHA! How cool is that?! As long as we have this botak head, it will serve to remind us that we have a mission to accomplish! I added my own stuff into this pact too, which of course I didn't tell them la. Haha...
Cutting this botak head I made a promise to myself that I will never ever be late for 9am meeting! Do my QT regularly for once! Read at least 1 chapter of the Bible a day!
Yeah! I can do all things thru Christ who strengthens me! (Shucks I dunno where in the Bible this is, I just remembered the verse only, I really need to read the Bible more often -_-).
10:46 PM
Havne't been sleeping and eating right this past 6 days, been really super duper hectic. I think the effects finally started to show today, I was so tired and easily irriated. Haha... Good thing I didn't let that get to me and do something that I would regret. =)
Today's event was surprisingly quite smooth. Honestly, I thought it would have been a total flop. I was very relieved indeed, tho some people thought it could've been better. Haha... Well, maybe I was being abit pessimistic huh? =)
Every thing was like super last minute la, 30 minutes before the event, they were still doing some last touches on the decorations. And as if the major hangover headache I was having wasn't enough, so many people were hounding for me.
"Joel Mo! Mic no sound!"
"Joel Mo! MC how?"
"Joel Mo! Practice skit!"
"Joel Mo! Practice drums!"
Aiyo... I seriously thought I was gonna die there and then. Heh. But I did a little prayer and hope for things to lighten up. And a few minutes later, Xue Xin came! Alright... So he'll do the sound system! Then I delegated Sam Goh to be in charge of the MC, which he had done a great job on. Then I just trusted my dear cell members to do a good job on the skit. And they did! First prize sia! Good right? Haha... But so sorry I couldn't be of any help, I will compensate you all ok? =)
On the drums tho, I guess I was really too tired. I can feel that I'm playing like so laggingly (wonder if there's such a word, haha). And I did quite a few mistakes here and there. Really sorry Joshua and Sharon. =)
But all in all, it was all ok! Praise the Lord! Haha... =)
9:24 PM
Hello people! I changed my layout again! Still not done yet with the layout. You can find the tagbox at the 'traveller' button, the tagbox is right at the bottom. =)
Anyway this past few days were busy for me, mostly with church stuff and FOP! FOP was great and very enlightening. Learned quite a few stuff there and the highlight of the whole event!! I got Mich Farmer's drumsticks! Signed! Isn't that cool?! Haha...
Tomolo is the crosslines event! Hope everything turns out well, so many things still not done yet. I'm suppose to be the MC tomolo and I don't even know what's going on. I still haven't gotten the songs from Joseph for our skit. Well, I'm not called the king of last minute work for nothing! Tomolo will surely turn out well! =)
Sat gonna have jam session and Sunday is baptism! More family members in christ! Looking forward to it! =)
4:15 PM
BROWNIE BATTER! You scored 88% SWEET, 74% CHUNKY, and 66% UNIQUE! |
brownie batter ice cream with a rich brownie batter swirl are a very sweet mix indeed! You are warm, loving, and caring to all those around you, but you're not boring in the least! You have a wild streak and a creative, unique streak, too. You are a great friend, an interesting person, and you know how to have fun without ending up crouching over a toilet bowl. Nice! |
My test tracked 3 variables How you compared to other people your age and gender: | You scored higher than 98% on SWEET | | You scored higher than 67% on CHUNKY | | You scored higher than 58% on UNIQUE |
7:59 AM
In the month of July 2005, "operation wrpf blogovillage" was spearheaded by Senior Pastor Kenny. He started this chain reaction that has now turned into an unstoppable force that threatens to turn everyone in our church into an army of bloggers.
This is a phenomenon some people like to call "blogging fever", and the deadly virus is spreading at an unimaginable speed. Just this past month alone, it has claimed 7 people and the numbers are rising.
The 7 people hit by this deadly virus are :
Winnie ,
Zec ,
Pastor Mary ,
Barny ,
Pastor Thomas ,
Uncle Abe ,
Senior Pastor Kenny
I would strongly urge you to go to their blogs and leave some comments of consolations, just be careful not to be sucked into this endless cycle of blogging!
EDIT :: The latest reports shows there is yet another victim of this virus, and that is Sharon Lee.
9:29 PM
Here's a review about a VCD I just bought on saturday, 'Swing Girls'. I won't spoil you too much so dun worry and read on. =)

It's a very nice show!! Haha... It's about a bunch of girls who were initially branded useless people and have to stay in school during the summer break for make-up lessons. Then somehow they caused the whole school brass band to become sick and replacements are needed.
The band's only survivor, the dorky Takuo, recruits three: Sekiguchi, who can barely toot a recorder(and damn cute too!), and two guitarists from a recently dissolved punk band. Then Tomoko, the leader of the useless people group, has a brain wave. If they all join, they will get out of class permanently. Takuo is suddenly teaching 16 new musicians; none of whom know nuts about the swing jazz band he proposes they play.
From here things get twisty, with reversals of fortune, narrow scrapes and funny but touching triumphs over adversity. The less committed fall away, until only a band of hardy, jazz-loving survivors, led by leader saxaphone-player, Tomoko, is left. We see them overcoming every obstacle to finally perform in a sort of a "battle of the bands" competition.
Then there's the big kicker: the girls REALLY went from clueless beginners to impressive intermediates. Swing Girls is a true story. Kind of. The film was based on an actual girls' jazz band, but the official press for Swing Girls explains that the young actresses actually played their own instruments, and all were complete novices when filming began, just like the characters they play.

This violates a musical movie convention: of dubbing in professional musicians for amateur stars to spare audience ears. But though they may be no match for the originals, the girls bring an energy and passion to their playing that is infectious -- and made me want to run out and sign up for lessons at Yamaha (whose schools are prominently plugged in the film).
It's always charming to watch a bunch of nobodies go from zero to hero, and the fact that this happened in the film AND behind the scenes is enough to make the film's a really enjoyable show to watch. The Swing Girls themselves may not hit all the right notes, but this movie does. =)

And this girl so cute! Haha... She's the trombon player I think? I dunno wad's the instruments called la, but I think it is a trombon. Lol. All the pictures I posted has her in it, hehe.
Here are some trivia which I found on the net! But you would probably already know from my review. Haha.
Trivia for
Swing Girls (2004)
- All the music scores in the movie were actually performed by the actor and actresses themselves. They were not dubbed.
- Many of the actresses had never played an instrument before. They took intensive music lesson at Yamaha Music School for several months before the shooting began.
- To promote the movie, the actor and the actresses performed live in concerts in Japan and USA.
Well, this movie really rocks man! I'm now so into jazz and I've seen the show like 3 times in 2 days. Haha. Crazy right? =p
I give this movie 5 out of 5 stars! Woot!!
1:29 PM