Yeah! Today marks the end of Youth Camp 2005 R2M2, but it's just the beginning of something special! Haha... Please grab some pop-corn and find a comfy chair to sit, coz I think this is gonna be one looooooonnnnnnnnnng post. Most of it will just be a summary of what happened, but those that are color coded are really cool testimonies that I think God shows how much he provided for this camp. =)
Well, on Sat I took cab to Hope Center, coz I've to bring lots of stuff. After everyone arrived and all that, we broke into 6 groups and did briefing. And the first activity was to design the group flag and do a group cheer.
Oh... Before that when I was at home, I was panicking coz on the first day we were suppose to design group flags as the first activity. But I forgot to buy mahjong paper! So I MSN a few people if they can help me buy, I told them to buy 10 mahjong paper if they can but everyone couldn't find anywhere that sold them. So I prayed and left the house, turns out that nearby my house the mama shop got sell! And they exactly left 10 pieces of mahjong paper! When I arrived at the place, Marcus managed to get 2 pieces, so we have 12 pieces in total, just nice can give 2 to every group! We also didn't get markers to design the flag with! But the place where we went to already had 6 markers ready for us to use! All this cannot be coincidence, and all the prompting to be mindful of God's presences by various people before the camp, I think is God's way to prepare me for this camp. If not I would've just ignored small things like this as just 'luck' or something else. =)
So the first activity was a success I guess? Hehe... Then we had dinner and the first Worship and Word session.
The word was good, it was sort of a confirmation of what I have set out to do. You know for the past few weeks, I've heard so many sermons, sharings, and testimonies, all emphasising on reading God's word. So many times that it can never be a coincidence, mindful mindful.
This youth camp is so special, so different! You all know whenever we have camps, it's always the last day then we all really let loose and pray for everyone and just let the spirit flow right? Our first night we already lidat liao lor! Haha... So nice, the way God works. And it's so apt that the theme of the camp is Recharge and Reach Out, I can see that most of them were all Recharged after going for prayer!
The 2nd day, was kinda like a disaster in terms of games, coz I didn't really planned fully for the Sunday water bomb games, I'll elaborate later on. We skipped the morning workshop to go buy stuff for the games on Monday. After that we went to labador park for 3 hours and finished our water bomb games in just one hour. I was totally at a lost, I didn't know what to do! So we just played ice breaker games until the bus came, the games on Sunday was a flop. Yea... I kept asking Barny "what time is it?" like every 5 minutes, I just couldn't wait to get out of that place and forget abt it. Ate dinner at Tiong Bahru Market, nice stuff. Then had worship and word again.
After that had altar call again, and same thing happened everyone got touched by the Lord! You could really see the spirit flowing in the place, really powerful stuff.
I did some QT after the service, and I felt God prompting me to read the Martha and Mary story. I know it's a very common story to everyone else, but on that night it was like totally different for me. For most people, they would interpret it like this; we should always put God, and not doing work for God, first. But that time when I read it, a different message came out from that story. Basically what I gather from it is that, I shouldn't use this very same meaning to this story to make an excuse for what I do.
Most of the time when I say "God I leave everything to you!", I don't really mean it. It was just me being lazy and saying this overused line to sort of comfort myself. It was for this very reason that the Sunday water bomb games were a flop, I just said "Let God be in control" and stuff like that, and did nothing about it. No prayer, no planning, nothing. So in that small little corner I repented and tried to make things right again. I gathered my Monday games people team and tried my very best to brief them, and after that Mabel, Ethel and me went to prepare the stuff needed for it. After everything was over, I just prayed.
Monday came and I went to school, really anxious about the games and all that. I really thought it would be a total flop just like the Sunday games.
Then the killer came when Grace called me, she told me it was raining. I didn't know what to do! Haha... So I just told her to call me back in 30 minutes to see if it's still raining. After I put down the phone, I prayed very hard to the Lord, to show me what to do. I prayed for alot of things, like for the rain to stop in 30 minutes, and I just got the impression that God allowed to rain to occur so that the games will not be held anymore and thus we'll prevent a flop from taking place. But don't care la, just prayed hard. Then around 30 minutes later, Grace called me to say the rain has stopped! Wow! PTL man! Haha... Really nice.
So I went to join them halfway thru school, and turns out the whole things was going quite well! The clues, especially the nunnery one, were kinda tough as we planned it to be. The game didn't end like hours before the bus came, and I guess everyone had fun. Really thank God for making this happen, THANK YOU LORD!!
Then the final nite of the camp, we had worship all the way. Really cool man, Auntie Karen said "It was the best youth worship in the history of KFC", Alvin said "The atmoshpere is very comparable to Hillsongs conference". You guys should've seen the people! They were like so happy and going wild doing silly things, being fools for Christ! Everyone was like shouting ans singing and jumping around. And even tho we didn't practice at all, we could see God's provision and love around us. Even tho we played the wrong chords and all that, the people didn't cared and their voices just drowned out the music. If it were like last time youth service, I guess they would just stop singing and just stare at the guitarist or something, hahaha...
Didn't slept until 3am, we played dunno wad slient heart attack, stupid game la, hahaha... Then just chilled and stoned and then slept. Today we had worship, shared our testimonies and gave out the games prizes, then we broke camp. Went to Plaza Sing to eat lunch and played arcade. Sorry I 'pang seh'ed you all watch movie, coz I know I confirm pay $7 to go in the cinema and sleep one. Haha.. Sorry la, I still owe u something huh? Find one day go eat swensens la. =)
Super tired, I got running nose and sore throat. Maybe I can get a MC for tomolo? Dunno... See first la. Bye bye. Good nite. =)
Btw, I took about 2 hours to write this quite long post, and I didn't write abt every single thing that happened. If you want a very comprehensive blog entry about the camp, please head over to Jeremy Ling's blog in my blog links. Hehe... =)
There's nothing my God cannot do
7:47 PM
Haha... Actually today was supposed to go buy prizes for the youth camp and all that. But ended up dunno why, going with Angela's cell to Escape Theme Park. Haha...
It's quite fun la, but spend like $13 man, just to sit on like what? 10 rides? Haiz... Sianz lor... The Go Kart was fun man... Sat on it 3 times. The first round i used car 13, but turns out the car spoil one, so I ended up last. Asriel kept saying it's the driver, not the car. Haha... Wadever la. Then 2nd round, I avoided car 13 and Asriel kena that car. Haha... In the end, he became last because of that stupid slow car. Then he nothing to say liao... Lol...
Sat on dunno wad Taxi ride is it? It's a ride that just swings you around 360 degrees while going up and down this thing. Dunno how to say la... Haha...
I was soooo reluctant to sit on it, coz I got a bad experience at UK funfair. That time I took like about an hour just to recover from one pirate ship ride, so yea. Haha... But Alvin persuaded me to go and sit beside him, so I go la. When the ride was going up rite, so funny! I kept asking him "Are we turning yet?" "Are we turning yet?" "I feel like we'r turning, are we turning?" Haha... He must've been feeling like so weird.
But when the ride started to turn, it wasn't that bad after all! Kinda enjoyed it, I guess? Haha...
After all the rides and all that, we went cell with Alvin! Yea, super duper tired la... I think I'm gonna sleep liao... Tomolo is youth camp!! Yay!! =)
1:02 AM
Yup, I'm up at 1.20am in the morning not knowing what to do. Haha... I think I have insomia. I started trying to sleep at 10pm, coz I said I was 'tired', I really was. But I tossed and turned in bed and after 2 hours I just gave up, haha.. And here I am, tired, but can't sleep. Burnt out but can't rest. Hahaha... Sounds like 2 cor chapter 4 huh? Haha... All this just coz I suffer from sort of sleep disorder. Man... This sucks.
I added a song to my blog, and updated my links. So now, officially, my blog has moved on from the BETA mode, to enter into a full-fledged version 1!! Yay!! This blog layout is finally completed after so long! =)
The song is called Moon on the Water, it's taken from the Anime BECK. Really a nice song, my favourite song at the moment (:
1:20 AM
Just now went to compass point with Justin and Mabel to buy youth camp stuff, I can't believe we bought 8 dollars worth of water bomb plastic bags. Haha... But nevermind can claim from Auntie Mary, Hehe.
Then after that went to Ethel's house to plan for the games and all that, it's all P&C okie? So I won't blog abt it here. Haha... P&C, that's a new acronym I learned today, Haha. Means Private and Confidental. =)
After planning, we just chilled in that small room and played some guitar and all that. Hehe... Another thing I learned, never sit in a room full of girls and u r the only guy around. The girl talk is killing me!! It's just crazy, Haha...
Well, we left after Mabel's mom called. So that's it. I bet the youth camp is gonna be fun! Mabel is such a sadistic girl! Hahaha...
I'm thinking of dying my hair leh, it's full of white hair... Haiz... Wad color huh? Hehe... Dunno la =)
And I promised not to be so haolian... Must be more humble, mindful of wad I say ya? Help me out okie? =)
7:30 PM
Wah... I'm on a roll! 3 posts in a day! Now people can just keep quiet and stop saying my blog is rotting... =)
I got a feeling I'm gonna get real hurt come friday cell. =x
Well, this is the result of a quiz I got from Zec's blog... I got the same result as him! Haha... But he is a big sneezer, I'm a multiple sneezer. Haha... =)
Look at your response to question 1 to see how your response matches your personality.
The answer you gave for question 1 was:
Multiple Sneezes
You strongly match the profile of:
You are a charismatic leader and influencer. You are imaginative and have great "out of the box" ideas. You are intuitive and can inspire and motivate others. You value your relationships and hold them dear. You welcome new people and new opportunities. You are optimistic and spontaneous. You are open and people know what you are feeling. You are articulate and enjoy a good conversation whether it is on the phone, over dinner or out socializing. You are more likely to have sneezes that people notice - big or multiple.
7:21 PM
Yesterday was Sunday! After church we went to play LAN with donnie they all, quite fun la. Then after that, Sam Goh, Jacob and me, went off to go to Starlyn's birthday party! Happy 13th Birthday Starlyn! =)
We played a few rounds of bowling. At first I kinda sucked, coz I don't bowl, so I'm just picking it up. All my scores were like 60 la, 70 la. Haha... But after I got the hang of it, you know... Copying Uncle Sunny's style (coz he was the best bowler there mah... Must copy the best one... Haha) and all that. I bowled really well! Haha... But the sad thing is that almost everyone went off already! =(
I 1v1 with Sam Goh, and I totally trashed him, haha... I spared all the way la, and got like 126 points? So happy... That's like my first time ever that I got a 3 digit score. =)
Then the game after that was even more awesome! I striked 3 times in a row! Wow!! Turkey sia!! Wahahaha... I'm a genius I tell you... I pick things up so fast that even I astound myself. =D
But too bad, we had to leave at 7.30pm sharp so we didn't got to finish that game, I was only at like frame 5 or 6? I wonder if I can get 200+ points or not. Haha... Most probably not la, if not I macham become like national bowler liao. Wahahaha...
Then after that chilled at Sam's house with Shawn, watched some Rolling Bomber Special, then went home. =)
If you haven't noticed yet, the whole point of this post is to boost my already swollen ego. Sam Goh... You can never beat me! Muawahahahaha.... =D
Just joking la... Why you shaking your head like that everyone? Don't think I'm not there I cannot see you "tsk tsk"ing away huh... Haha... Joke only la... Joke... =)
7:08 PM
Hey... Yeah, finally I'm gonna update. Haha, so that a certain someone will stop saying that my blog is rotting. =)
I've watched 3 movies in the past 1 week, namely Just Like Heaven, Harry Potter and Sky High. Yea, I'm kinda broke now I guess. Hahaha...
Just Like Heaven, I'll give this one 7 out of 10 stars. If it wasn't for that crappy ending, it would've gotten higher ratings from me. Haha... But I like the funky dude who keep saying "Righteous!" It's so cool! Haha... Then Jude kept saying that during cell, and everyone who didn't watched the movie was like huh? o.O Hahaha...
Harry Potter, well... Maybe 7.5 out of 10 stars. The computer grahpics all that are quite cool. But most of the time, I don't even know wad they are talking about coz I never read the book before or watched any other potter movie.
But I heard that Uncle Francis said that we should avoid watching Harry Potter coz it's dealing in witchcraft and all that? Man... I didn't know, sorry Uncle Francis! One thing comes to my mind, it's what Uncle Francis shared to us when we visited him in GlenEagle. We have to be mindful of all things yea? =)
Sky High, that one is the winner man, hands down! I give it a 8.5 out of a 10!! Super nice, and super funny! =D
I will go watch it again if I can. Maybe buy the vcd and watch again and again. Haha... My favourite part is the "Uncle! Uncle!" Hahaha... Super duper funny! =D
The storyline also very meaningful, and did I mention it? It's super funny... =)
6:32 PM
Yeah... This blog is not rotting and I proved that in this wonderfully short post.
Good night! I'll post some other day about more interesting stuff..... IF I feel like it... Haha... =)
11:16 PM
Some more pics on the live peformance.







9:34 PM
Yesterday morning I went to West Coast Park to see some friends performing their first live. Their genre is Visual Rock; think on the line of KISS or Marilyn Manson. So, I couldn't believe it when they say their first live is gonna be at some event called the "Clean and Green Day". I mean like huh?!
So I reached there quite early, about 11+, and turns out that their turn to perform was 2pm. So gotta wait awhile la. The place was quite packed, so I was kinda shocked you know... Like wah... Everyone went there to see my friend's band (btw, their band name is Gesshoku)...
The first performance was ACJC School Band, so naturally quite a few of their friends came to support. After the ACJC Band play finish, all their friends left too.
After that, was some Primary School performance. Turns out that a bulk of the audience and I really mean A BULK, were those kids' parents. They were like walking here and there, taking photos or recording on their camcorders and stuff like that. So after the performance, they just left, the whole bunch of them.
So, the audience left we like about 20 people? So on to the next performance... It's some clown act la, not even funny one, so skip that... =P
After that, it's some Malay hip-hop dance group. They are quite ok la, but guess what again? The majority of the audience left were MALAYS! Go figure. =x
So when my friend's band finally came onto the stage, there were like what? 10 people left? Less than 10? I dunno. Haiz... But still good la, first live leh. How many people can even do a live? Haha... But then, the PA system really horrible la. They should just sack the "Sound Engineer" if he's even a qualified one.
The monitor speakers were facing the main speakers la. Who in the world would do that, dun get feedback is fake one lor. Haha... Confirm kena one. Then the instruments and vocalist also not eq properly, and the volume also. The guitar sound totally drown out the vocalist's voice. Not good.
But I still pei fu my friends la. Even tho with all these problems, they still courageously continue to perform. Kudos to them for their first live! =)
Here are some pictures taken from another friend.
This is the vocalist, Kurei

This is the lead guitarist, Ningyo

This is the chick bassist, Decadence

This is the Lead Rythmist(that's what they call him), I.D.

No photo of the drummer, but just imagine a guy wearing a black robe and a skull mask. Yup, I told you... Visual Rock. Haha...
8:46 PM
Ate Sakae Sushi yesterday with my school friend, not very nice tho. Haha... I think I will never go Sakae Sushi ever again, haiz... Waste money only. Lol.
Rolling Bomber Special
This is a super funny video la, it's some Power Ranger's parody. I wonder what if the same thing happened to me, haha, that'll be weird man. =P
But the ending not nice one tho, went like "huh?". Lol
According to the International Federation of Football History and Statistics (IFFHS), Liverpool is the current world's no.1 club!
Points are awarded for wins, with different competitions carrying different point weightage. The ranking takes into consideration the results of 12 months of continental and intercontinental competitions, national league matches and the national cup.
So Liverpool is first with 295 points and Inter Milan 2nd with 292 points. So where's So where's Arsenal, Manu and Chelsea? Man U is 5th with 257 points. Arsenal is 8th with 242 points. And oh so special Chelsea is in lowly 12th position with 229 points.
Haha... At least got something to hao lian a bit la... =D
3:15 PM
Just came back from Sentosa, went there with Jude, Ashley, Marcus, Julian, Matthias, Melissa, Issac, Serene, Eugenia, Shawn, Mabel, Jeremy and Sam Goh. Haiz, it's quite ok la? Went there play dunno wad ultimate frisbee, also not very fun. I mean, we keep thrashing the other team, 10-0, 10-2... Where got fun right? Wahahaha....
Got sunburn, and a nice battle scar on my back. Anyone wanna see? It's one of my rabid fangirls la. Too violent already, she said, "You'r mine forever, no other girls can take you away!! I'll make a mark on you to prove to people that you belong to me!!" so she scratch my back until lidat. Tomolo I show u all at cell ok? Hahaha... Very tired liao, gonna go sleep. =)
P.S. :: Anyone who actually believe me about the rabid fangirl thing. Hmm... Tsk tsk. =P
9:23 PM
I wonder if Liverpool is trying to pull off a superman here. In the EPL, Liverpool is like Clark Kent, but when Champion League night comes, voila! They suddenly transform into Superman! Wow... 3-0. Nice, champions league winner's performance material.
With "The special one"'s Chelsea losing to Real who? Oh... Real Betis? Liverpool is now top of the table! 2 more matches to go, one against Real Betis and the other against special special Chelsea. Both of them have a chance to qualify for Champions League, so they might be tough matches. But I'm sure Superman Liverpool will make it all the way to retain the title!!
Now if only they can also become Superman in the EPL as well... Hmmm....
12:50 PM
Hello! Haha... Yesterday was my last day of work! Went to eat prawn mee with Jul for lunch, then I suddenly kena chronic hic-cupping! Haha! Man, imagine... From yesterday about 2pm, until NOW! I'm still hic-cupping. This is crazy man... I think I'm gonna die of chronic hic-cupping. Wahahaha... Just joking la...
After work, we started to prepare for the BBQ for the worship team people. For more information on the fire-starting, please head over to Julian's blog. Haha. Went for a swim after successfully burning the charcoal. Then something really dumb happened, I borrowed a pair of shorts from Jul to swim. Then I happily changed and prepare to jump into the pool. Jul was shouting at me, "Joel!! Your shirt!! Your shirt!!" but before I knew it, I jumped in already. Turns out that I forgot to take off my shirt before jumping in, how dumb is that? Haha.
After the BBQ, went to zec's house for overnite worship, which ended at about 2 something? After that, Asriel, Sam Chan and me chionged winning eleven on zec's PS2. Super fun la, but in the end I couldn't take it and knocked out. Haha. Now apart from being super tired, I'm having to deal with this stupid hic-cups.
Hic-cupping ever now and then for 24 hours is no fun I tell you.
2:55 PM